Ink on paper | 2012–2024 | 5x8'

Ink on paper and on glass | 2021 | 28x28cm

1 of 2 imgs | Ink on paper and on glass | 2019–2020 | 24x17cm

2 of 2 imgs | Ink on paper and on glass | 2019–2020 | 24x17cm

Ink on paper | 2014 | 12.2x12.2" | Adulthood 2.0 Series

Ink on paper | 2013 | 6.2x8.6" | Adulthood Series

Ink on paper | 2013 | 6.2x8.6" | Adulthood Series

Ink on paper | 2013 | 6.2x8.6" | Adulthood Series

full title: Would You Like to meet Your Other Self? Ink on paper | 2013 | 6.2x8.6" | Adulthood Series 2.0

Ink on paper | 2012 | 8.5x11"

Ink on paper | 2013 | 18x12''

Charcoal and erased charcoal on paper | 2012 | 24x18″ | Investigation Series

Erased charcoal on paper | 2012 | 30.2x32.8″ | Investigation Series

Charcoal and pastel on paper | 2012 | 18x23.8″ | Investigation Series

The construction of GUL (Geometric Universal Language) | symbols are based on research of hieroglyphics (from Sumerian, Egyptian and Mesoamerican cultures), alchemy, witchcraft and icons from our current society

Sketch of site-specific installation

Sketch of site-specific installation

Where conspiracy theories meet ancient knowledge and cosmology.

Sketch of site-specific installation

Sketch of site-specific installation