Date of birth Data de nascimento_ April 13, 1981
Born Local_ Santa Maria, RS, BRA
Lives and works Vive e trabalha_ New York +
Rio de Janeiro
Purchase artwork Compra de obras ___
Rise Art_
Artefato Gallery_
Instagram_ @sabrina_barrios
TikTok_ @sabrinabarriosstudio
Linkedln_ linkedin.com/in/sabrinabarrios
Portfolio Art Direction_ behance.net/sabrinabarrio
Upcoming Exhibition Próxima Exposição_​_
Mar 27 2025: Meta Gallery | Rio de Janeiro, BRA
Past Exhibition Exposição Passada​_
Oct 23 2024–Feb 6 2025: Portals–The Clemente | NYC, USA
Nov 1-10 2024: Blue Lotus–Troy Glow | Troy, NY, USA
Feb 2–May 5 2024: Reversa–Smart Lights | Farol Santander Museum | São Paulo, BRA
Photo by Brian Ziegler